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Prof. Yashdatta Somaji Alone

Prof. Yashadatta Somaji Alone born 1963, at Chandrapur Maharashtra and Studied BFA (Drawing & Painting) from Nagpur, and M. A. (Fine) Art History, Faculty Of Fine Arts, M. S. University, Baroda. He was awarded UGC Junior and Senior Research fellowship in 1988 in the History of Art. He obtained M.Phil and Ph. D. from Centre for Historical Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.

Presently he is working at School of Arts and Aesthetics, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi from 8 th March 2007 onwards. Previously he worked at Dept. of Archaeology, Deccan College Post Graduate Research Institute (deemed university) Pune and at Dept of Fine Arts Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra.

He has published several research papers in journals and chapters in edited volumes on Ancient Indian Art and critic of Walter Spink, Ajanta caves and Buddhist caves in western India, critic of modern Indian art, popular neo-Buddhist visual culture, in addition to the above, research papers on the interpretative frame-work of Dr. Ambedkar and social sciences has been published. He has involved himself in writing some art exhibition catalogues as a point of departure to critic the idea of meta-narratives modernity as tracing the difference. His research interests include ancient Indian art, Buddhist art, modern Indian art and popular visual culture, Neo-Buddhist visual culture, philosophy as well general social sciences.

Prof. Y. S. Alone presented research papers at national and international art-history and social sciences seminars, conferences at many places in India and abroad. He has lectured widely at many places in India and outside India
mainly Germany, Spain, USA, China, and Sri Lanka. He was nominated as ICCR chair visiting Professor in Shenzhen University China, and was invited as short term visiting professor at Renmin University Beijing China, Autonoma University Madrid, Heidelberg University Germany. He has been engaged in popular lectures as part of social movements.

Prof. Y S. Alone also served as members of various committees of Government of India. His recently published book-‘Early Western Indian Buddhist Caves: Forms and Patronage’, Kaveri Books, New Delhi, 2014, ISBN 978-81-7479.

Currently he is engaged in conceptual formulation of ‘protected ignorance’.